ESREL 2024 KeyNote Speakers
(still under completion)

Christophe BERENGUER
Grenoble INP – Université Grenoble Alpes
Speech Title: Health Aware Control and RUL Control of Degrading Systems
Christophe BERENGUER is Full Professor in Reliability and Maintenance, Systems Monitoring and Control Systems GIPSA-lab, Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, France.
His main research interests mainly include stochastic modelling of system and structure deterioration, maintenance decision-making, performance assessment models of condition-based & predictive maintenance policies, diagnosis and prognosis of systems, systems health management, reliability models for probabilistic safety assessment.
He has supervised more than 30 PhD students. He is co-chairman of the ESRA Technical Committee on Maintenance Modelling and Applications.

Marko Čepin
University of Ljubljana
Speech Title: Reliability of conventional electric power supply versus self-sufficient supply
Full professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana.
He was the president of Nuclear Society of Slovenia (2010 – 2014, 2014 – 2018). He was the president of European Safety and Reliability Association (2018 – 2020, 2020 – 2022).
He is author of a book: Assessment of Power System Reliability and more than 50 articles in international journals.

Kazimierz Kosmowski
Polish Safety and Reliability Association
Speech Title: Sustainability, safety, and security related research challenges in times of dynamic global and regional changes
Full Professor, Head of the Automation and Control Engineering Department at Gdańsk University of Technology in years 2006–2012, Cofounder of Polish Safety and Reliability Association and member of the board in years 2007–2023. Author or coautor of over 300 publications and 10 books in the scope of reliability and safety of industrial systems and critical infrastructure, functional safety and cybersecurity of industrial automation and control systems, human factors and human reliability analysis, organisational culture.

Dorota Kurowicka
Technical University Delft
Speech Title: Bayesian Belief Nets Models in Safety and Reliability
Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics at the Delft University of Technology. Author of 50 journal articles and 2 books. Her main research interests lie in areas of Risk and Uncertainty Analysis, in particular in dependence modeling for uncertainty analysis.

Yan Fu Li
Tsinghua University
Speech Title: Recent Research Progresses in Reliability of Autonomous Systems
Full Professor in Industrial Engineering Department, Director of the Institute for Quality & Reliability in Tsinghua University, China. His research areas mainly include system reliability and PHM with the applications onto railway and telecom systems. He has published more than 90 high quality international journal papers. He is elected as the Highly Cited Chinese Researcher 2019-2022 by Elsevier and Top 2% Scientists Worldwide 2022 by Stanford University. He is currently an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Reliability, a senior member of IEEE and IISE. He is a vice president of the System Reliability Chapter of System Engineering Society of China.

Nikolaos Limnios
Université de Technologie de Compiègne
Speech Title: Asymptotic Approximation Techniques for Reliability of Complex Systems
Full Professor at University of Technology of Compiègne (UTC) Sorbonne University,
and former Director of the Laboratory of Applied Mathematics. His research interest include stochastic processes and statistics with applications in biostatistics, in reliability, statistical seismology, stochastic mechanics, etc. He is the Editor-in-Chief of book series “Mathematics and Statistics” in iSTE with J. Wiley. He published more than 150 journal papers and about 15 books on theory and applications of stochastic processes and statistics.

Dieter Lompe
University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven
Speech Title: Resilient Water Infrastructure at Climate Change Conditions
Professor at University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven, Head of Laboratory of Supply and Environmental Engineering, Co-Founder of Institute for Sustainable Environmental Economics and Technologies, more than 10 years experience in consulting and engineering industry.

Elena Zaitseva
University of Žilina
Speech Title: Multi-State Systems and their Applications in Reliability Analysis
Full Professor, professor of the Department of Informatics at the University of Zilina in Slovakia since 2015, chair of the IEEE Reliability Society Chapter of Czechoslovakia Section. She has more than 150 peer-reviewed publications, including more than 10 monographs and chapters in monographs in reliability and safety analysis. She has participated in the implementation of more than 30 research international and national projects.