ESREL2024 23-27 JUNE 2024

the 34-th European Safety and Reliability Conference

Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland

Post ESREL 2024 Workshop Training Courses

TC. Training Courses in Reliability Safety and Security

TC1. General approach to complex systems and critical infrastructures reliability and safety modelling through training courses

TC2. Two-state approach to system reliability modelling

TC3. Multi-state approach to system reliability modelling

TC4. Two-state approach to critical infrastructure safety modelling

TC5. Multi-state approach to critical infrastructure safety modelling

TC6. Safety of critical infrastructure without outside impacts

TC7. Critical infrastructure operation process modelling

TC8. Safety of critical infrastructure impacted by its operation process

TC9. Climate-weather change process at critical infrastructure operating area modelling

TC10. Safety of critical infrastructure impacted by climate-weather change process at its operating area

TC11. Integration of critical infrastructure operation process and climate-weather change process at its operating area

TC12. Safety of critical infrastructure impacted jointly by its operation process and climate-weather change process at its operating area

TC13. Inventory of critical infrastructure reliability, safety and resilience indicators

TC14. Critical infrastructure reliability, safety and resilience models and indicators validation through application to port, maritime, road and other transportation systems

TC15. Critical infrastructure safety optimization

G16. Critical Infrastructure operation cost optimization

TC17. Critical infrastructure joint safety and operation cost optimization

TC18. Critical infrastructure accidents consequences modelling

TC19. Critical infrastructure accidents consequences optimization and mitigation

TC20. Critical infrastructure business continuity modelling

TC21. Critical infrastructure business continuity optimization

TC22. Data-driven predictive maintenance

TC23. Operational resilience of interdependent infrastructure systems

TC24. Functional safety and cybersecurity of industrial control systems

TC25. Human factors in functional safety analysis

TC26. Other